Early Goose


New member
Is anyone getting ready for the early Goose season?
I hope to be in Western MN Sat. Morning for a Goose and Dove hunt combo.
Sunday is Goose hunting back home with my buddy's 5 year old son and if all go's good I would like to pick up some Quail for dog training on Monday. But the Goose hunt will be on top of the list.(Freezer is EMPTY)

Hopefully I can get some pictures to post. Good Luck to all.
Goose pics

We had a cold front and lots of wind on friday and the doves have split state but the goose hunting has not been to bad. Four birds on Sat. and four more on Sunday. The misses even got a bat at the cabin on Sunday morning. Second swing with a broom. She is Soooo Proud.
This is the shore line. Two lay out blinds the one in the back has a 6 yrear old in it. And I and the misses are under the two decoys in the middle.


And here is the prize bat.
Sorry about the Bat I can't get the pic to come together for lack of a better term.
Beautiful pics!!! Brings back a flood of great memories of Sept resident Canada goose hunts with my sons & their friends when they were growing up way back in PA days...Glad you got to enjoy such precious mornings with the whole fam!!! :thumbsup: :cheers:
Plenty of geese in this area.
Doves sure took off, numbers went from thousands to about two, overnight.

I like the pic of the geese. For me that is one pain in the butt animal to get a picture of. Maybe placing them on a object like a log is the way to go.
I will show you my failed attempt to get a pic. of my new gun with the birds. It just would not work. It's hard to get the birds and the gun in the same picture.

Fail goose pic #1
That's not a bad pic. I took about a dozen none turned out very well.
The geese sure took a beating up here, most hunter/decoy spreads I've seen.
Lots of wheat stubble in the area this year, attracted lots of geese and lots of hunters. Local geese are pretty wise now.