Dusky Grouse eBook


New member
Alright fellas, I'm coming to you on this one. I've been working on an eBook that I'm going to put up on Amazon Kindle. I want it finished out in two months time, so it's a full on push.

He's my proposal to my favorite forum. I'm going to offer it to you guys for free. All I ask in return is for some feedback on it and potentially a review on Amazon.

Like I said it's about two months out, but if there are any of you who are interested in getting a free advanced copy a couple of days before it releases, head over to my site and sign up to my newsletter. Those subscribed to that will get an email when it comes out and a code for the free copy.

Hopefully this doesn't sound to sales pitchy. There are no strings attached, I just love writing about this stuff and you guys really seem to appreciate it. Thanks!

Sign up to the newsletter here so I can send it to ya when its out ---> www.huntingtherat.com

I'm in Fred, I look forward to it.:cheers:
Heck yea Quail Hound! It'll be in your mailbox (digital of course) when it's out. Small way to give back to such a rad community.
Thank you. Between a new book and upland hunting how could I resist?
Im in also. Thanks for the great offer Fred. Are we supposed to recieve a confirmation email when we sign up? Just wondering as I signed up a little while ago and dont think I have recieved anything yet.
Hey Curious. Quite a few people have subscribed so I'll send you a PM to make sure I got yours for sure.

Thanks for all the support guys! I love the social pressure I created for myself to get this thing finished out and refined! I'll keep you guys updated on the progress.
Signed up Fred!!! Of course you may not know my real name!!:thumbsup:
Fred -

Our GSP is not quite two yet so this was our first season chasing Dusky's. We made 6 trips and bagged 7 birds. We are pheasant hunting now so I think that wraps up our Dusky season. Regardless, I have seen snippets of your tutorials and cannot wait for your e-book. Thank you very much for your contribution. I look forward to learning more on how to chase those pesky Dusky's. You may not know me by my forum name but I am in ---- Subscribed and received confirmation on your site yesterday.
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Nice work on the site, I believe the ebook will be awesome. I have been thinking about doing what you have done for a few season, but can't peal myself away from hunting long enough to get it done. I do have a few bits of strategies that I think most people have neglected to talk about if you have any interest. I love you map/photo scouting advice, I have been using google earth in a simlar manner for years, and rarely do we go to a new area without birds.
Once again guys, I can't thank you enough for the support!

I'm pumped to hear you got after some this year Royal Flusher. Such a fun bird to chase!

I would love to hear any ideas you have as well Mountain Farmer. There are so many ways to hunt these little fellas, so throw them at me. PM me.

Just got back in from a duck hunt. In case you guys weren't aware, it's cold out there! -5 degrees this morning in Kremmling. Crisp to say the least.