Dryland hunting


New member
Had an observation today. Im curious why so many people hunt around the fleming area instead of where there is more irrigation. Been pretty quiet lately where I have been working. Moved to fleming last night and seen probly more hunters than anywhere ive been. I know its saturday but just havnt seen to much in the way of hunters.
Tons of walk-in in big clusters around town, an hours less drive (give or take), some birds. Combine that with a Saturday and there you have it. It's the first big chunk of WIA's for most folks after they exit the freeway.

In years past - the hunting around Fleming was pretty good (though, to your point, still not as good as the irrigated lands to the east), though most of the fields we liked near there aren't in the program anymore.

I stopped at a couple of fields near there on our way back last week and it was pretty bombed-out, and there was as much orange as around Holyoke.

Personally - I'm fine with more folks stopping there :)
I agree with what u posted about wias. After I was driving around more of the county roads around there. There are quite a few wias. Another observation right at dusk last night I seen alot of birds. I was pretty impressed.
Personally - I'm fine with more folks stopping there :)

Maybe we should put up a sign on Hwy 6--"Attention Hunters-Best hunting here in Fleming. Stop here-do not proceed to Holyoke!"

Hopefully that was a good post. POL. Just had an observation no negativity out of me. I was just curious I think cedahm post was good!!!!!