@Tphark--Dang, you da man!!!

In younger years I was right there on your tail & could maybe even make you huff & puff a little to keep up - nothing was ever too far or too early to leave, but I have reigned back in JUST A TAD as the years go by. I could maybe do what you do once or twice a year now...
@FCSpringer--I hate you!!! HAHAHA-JK

There have been times in my life that I lived that close to excellent hunting - & several times literally out my back door (for deer, turkeys, ducks, geese, dove, wild hogs, & the list goes on-&-on--but NEVER for wild pheasants)...
I consider myself really lucky to live within a 3 hr one-way drive now of some pretty decent wild-rooster country here in eastern CO...A typical day-hunt for me (which is mostly all I am able to break away for) - consists of leaving Denver at 3-4 a.m. & getting back home at 8-9 p.m. - and very HAPPY to be able to do so!!! :thumbsup:
I hunt a mix of private & some public, but the ratio is swinging heavier & heavier to the private side the longer I live in CO & have time to knock on doors and get to know people (I have only been here for a little over a year now)...I would drive the extra hour for some good, solid private any day of the week!!! :10sign: