Dreeded phone call


Active member
Just got the phone call no pheasant hunter wants to get. Hail has taken care of the season for me near Wakeeny. Pictures of the wheat I could smell the dead smell in the air. ( no I couldn’t but ) now planning new strategy.
Yes Glen didn't act like it was good, but he acted like it was small hail. Perhaps the hens made it and will renest. Some of my best hunting last year was in a strip of bad hail in Ness County. My friends wheat was zeroed out. The hens renested and I was shooting really young birds, hardly any color still first time I hunted. When I was there right after the hail I planned on avoiding that strip. The only reason I hunted it was because I saw some birds from the road. The good news is hail usually isn't widespread. There wasn't any on my ground further west just good rains.
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