Dove Recipe


Well-known member
Came up with this on Sat. for last year's doves:

Fillet breast meat off bone

Put slice of fresh peeled apple on breast half

Wrap meat and apple slice w/half slice of smoked bacon, secure w/toothpick

Grill to suit over mesquite-laced charcoal

Scrumptious if I do say so myself
Sounds delicious! I always end up making a big pot of dove soup for our mtn quail camp. And the breast also goes great in fajitas.:cheers:
If you make jalapenos poppers add a half of a filleted dove breast on top of cream cheese and grill. very delicious snack...
If you make jalapenos poppers add a half of a filleted dove breast on top of cream cheese and grill. very delicious snack...

Sounds gooooood.