Dog has cabin fever...


UPH Guru
Last night, I was sitting reading and half-watching TV, when Mick trotted in from the kitchen, came up to me for a scratch, then went into the living room.

A minute or so later, he came out with a dvd and brought it over to me. I laughed, put it on the table and told him to go lie down.

Three minutes later, up he got, trotted off and came back with a vhs tape.

Neither were interesting titles, but I think he's had enough of frigid-weather home stay.

My dog is getting depressed without birds to chase. She's 7 months old, but is acting like she's 12 years- just laying on her bed staring at me with those sad eyes most of the time.

It's been a couple of weeks since we've been out hunting, and we haven't seen any birds the last couple of times anyway. Hunting has been pretty sad this year for us here in Colorado. Hope it has been better where you are despite the cold weather.

I'm torn between giving it one more shot this weekend, or giving in and booking a preserve hunt. At least that way we would be guaranteed to see some birds - a rare sight this year it seems. I'm just not sure I can take the sad eyes much longer...

I hear ya about the cabin fever. Damn polar temperatures have everyone feeling the cabin fever. Luckily starting today things look to be getting much better temperature wise. Yesterday when I went to work it was 4 degrees and it actually felt nice out...... :eek: When it hits 30's this weekend I'm breaking out the shorts and flip flops...:thumbsup:
Besides the bitter cold I have a messed up knee.
I still exercise the pups everyday but not nearly enough, they are bursting with unused energy.
How do you guys do it, exercise yourselves and the dogs?
On normal Winters I plow trails up into the woods, makes perfect hiking and pup exercise trails. I also cut up next years wood supply (15, 4X4X8 cords)
With the cold and the knee, not even close.:confused:

Now I eat to much, to much beer and got some useless blubber. :)
Yup, Cabin fever. :(

We are gaining about 3 minutes per day of daylight, sun will be our ally again soon. :thumbsup:
For me if the temps are moderate but the snow is deep, I break out the snow shoes. Great exercise. By the way, both my knees have been totally replaced.
Besides the bitter cold I have a messed up knee.
I still exercise the pups everyday but not nearly enough, they are bursting with unused energy.
How do you guys do it, exercise yourselves and the dogs?
On normal Winters I plow trails up into the woods, makes perfect hiking and pup exercise trails. I also cut up next years wood supply (15, 4X4X8 cords)
With the cold and the knee, not even close.:confused:

Now I eat to much, to much beer and got some useless blubber. :)
Yup, Cabin fever. :(

We are gaining about 3 minutes per day of daylight, sun will be our ally again soon. :thumbsup:

Wayne There is no such animal, as to much beer. Its just not enough time. LOL Besides that blubber is bought and paid for, know what I mean. LOL:)