Darn mice


New member
The dam mice got into my food plot seed--lucky I caught them early in their invasion--boy are they in trouble now :( LOL Just a reminder that if ya all got any seed stored for the upcoming planting season --better check on it:D

Rebaged--moved---traps and decon in place come and get it guys. :D
Checked mine and all was OK:thumbsup: In fact 2 cats were sleeping in the shed. Dam browndogs sleeping on the job again:mad::) Thats a good reminder SDJim:thumbsup: They don't give that seed away.
LOL, sorry man. I hate them too. Just cleaned the garage somewhat, and they have invaded me too. Weather strips are chewed on the OH door, and crap all over. So I have to set out a long line again too. Luckily I did not get them in my clover seed or the two 100lb sacks of grass seed. Couple years ago they got in my blue grass seed and trashed the whole works. I should have a body count soon.:D
I had a mouse problem a number of years ago. 2 things happened, one fortuitous, one fun. 1) I bought a Jack Russell for my then young Son; what a fierce & incredible mouser she was . . . and within a few weeks, mice had vacated the area inside and out (they took-up residence with my neighbors, but I have seen very few since & those occurred long after Sadie had passed. 2) A Beeman R-7 air rifle with a close-focusing Leaper's Bug buster scope became immensely entertaining until Sadie joined the family & eliminated all of the targets.
I had forgotten about a sack of corn in the back of the garden shed. It was a couple months in the winter since I had been out there. In the spring I open the door to get something out and the stench just about bowled me over. Those damn things had about devoured the better part of a 50 lb sack and replaced it with about 10 lbs of crap. :)5 years later and a bunch of bleach, I swear you can still smell it out there.
Speaking of mice:rolleyes: Two weeks ago my cousin picked my Ice fishing shanty up from my buddies farm. When I met up with him at the lake (all ready to catch some fish!) he had everything all set up ready to go. Great:thumbsup:!

He told me mice made a hole in the side of the shanty. No big deal.

I walked out on the lake and this is what I saw:eek: Needless to say, it was a cold night ice fishing:D
