Cutting Hay


Anybody got any hay up yet?
I'm going to start cutting today. It's wet, I don't see how it can possibly dry. :eek:

But, What do you do?:confused:
A lot of it done around where I live. Everybody has been using tedders to help in drying though. There is a few left in fields that have a tendency to hold water in spots which are getting now. Some of them have been turned into haylage for cattle.
Winter got all the hay around here. 2 and a half bales of first cutting 6 acres:( disc it up and planted beans in it. Beans look good had plenty of rain. Make the windrows as wide, flat as you can helps drying. I think theres going to be alot of wet/hot bales made this year:) Hope it goes well for you:)
Didn't go to bad for the first day out. Other then a couple hydraulic problems.
Got 25 acres cut. Don't know if I've been in heavier stuff. Whole dang field is lodged. I cut with a 9 ft 488, does a good job of crimping.
Now:eek: 30% today, 50% tomorrow and 30% Monday. Then hopefully a few sunny Summer days.:)

I looked into bagging. Nice way to put up hay for sure. Seems VERY expensive to me.
We but up three 10ft x 250ft bags each year. It was nice this year because with a bag you only need about 24hrs before you can chop it and put it in the bag. It is not cheap but makes great feed.
Well:eek: We've had 5.2 inches of rain since the hays been cut.
Good thing is:) Hay doesn't even know it's been cut.:)
Haying been so good I'm gonna cut another batch today.:confused:
Should cut some today but not sure that it's going to happen. I need to put the brush hog on and run around my fences before the cattle and horses end up on the Hwy.

Suppose to be a 100 above in the Twincities tomorrow. Not sure about here but I'm sure it will be hot. It would dry hay rather nice though
Got er done:cheers: The last 90 bales done without a drop of rain.
That is what I had cut. Got lots more to go.:)
Way to go :thumbsup:MNMT I'm buying hay for the year now looks like it's going to be in short supply around here. I hate getting in bidding war with horse people they seem to think 4 -7 dollar a bale is cheap:D I like 2.50 a bale plus my hay guys really nice very old school thinking:thumbsup:
FCS, No not me, I do that with the big round baler:thumbsup: more challenge.:cheers:

Coot, got a truck? hay everywhere up here, hay people haven't been able to sell lasts years. Bet you could get big rounds in the field $40 bucks a ton.
To bad we can't get it to the folks that need it. It's the trucking cost.:(