Cut pad


I went dove hunting and did some light sage grouse scouting yesterday and Friday afternoon. We were in some nasty lava shale and my dog cut his pad. Ive never treated a cut pad before so I wanna see what's recommended. Of course I can't talk to a vet until probably Tuesday. I washed it in bedadine and warm water, dried it thoroughly, and wrapped it with vet wrap, gauze, and Neosporin. Any other tips?

How do I tough his feet up? He was fine last year but he spent more time on the concrete floor of his outside kennel and my wife always leaves him inside anymore. The hunting dogs I owned up until my mid 20s were all ranch dogs. They did everything the ranch cow dogs did, including tagging along when moving cattle. This house/city dog that is also a hunting dog is new to me.

Edit: he's been licking all of his paws and they all seem to be tender.


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Not ideal but you could buy doggie boots. If you do, take the time for your dog to get accustomed to them.
Trim off dead pad, betadine solution to clean up. Then antibiotic ointment, telfa pad and cover with 2” adhesive tape. Wrap front to back, then left to right, then around several times. Not too tight and change every other day for several changes. Boots are best protection for the future.
Keep a vet kit in the truck. Good luck.
Not ideal but you could buy doggie boots. If you do, take the time for your dog to get accustomed to them.
What you have done isabout all you can do. Don’t think vet can do much now as they can’t stitch up an old wound without reopening it
I have some Suffodene 3-way ointment I use for cuts and abrasions. Keep it dry and covered with salve and vet wrap
Daily walks should help toughen up the pads
Hunted my setter pretty hard for a few days and got tender feet. Got some Paw Butter to soften his paws up. By that time we were done hunting but defiantly helped with recovery.
My lab seems to have the same problem. Took her dove hunting yesterday and she got off in the neighboring cutover which looked pretty gnarly.

She’s been laying around all day and limping on both front feet and constantly licking the pads on both paws.

She won’t let me handle her feet so I can’t inspect the pads and between the toes for ticks.

She’s due for her shots so I plan to take her in Tuesday morning and ask ‘em to give her the once over.
Save your money on the salves and just use Vaseline. While you're at it apply to all the pads and any calluses. It will help healing and keep the pads soft. I think they do better with soft pads than crusty hard pads. I also use mushers secret sometimes. It's basically wax. Although my dogs spend some time in the kennel on broom finished concrete, I think they did a lot better before they became house dogs.