Cured her poor delivery


New member
Well, I'm not sure she's 100% cured, but it was MAJOR improvement. how you ask? ... we added a second dog to the mix. Unfortunately the other dog is too sticky and just doesn't "get it", but that worked out just fine for Fillmore. She found/flushed the birds, and when sent to retrieve, Hazel (the other dog) chased her down. A little competition was just what was needed. Fillmore snatched the birds up quick, and brought 'em right back to me so Hazel couldn't get it. Needless to say, there was much less dropping of the bird and playing/mouthing it on the way back, and I'd say 1/3 of those brought back were right to hand. the rest just set right down at my feet. I can live with that. :D
Like the man said to me "it's mind over matter" If you donot mind it does not matter.
sounds like you got it cured..