CRP Sign-up #45 scheduled for May 20th


Active member
General CRP signup #45 is scheduled to run from May 20th to June 14th 2013.

Current CRP enrollment is at 27 millions acres with 3.3 million set to expire this fall.

The current 2008 extended farm bill cap is 32 million acres so according to my analysis the gap is 8.3 million acres to work with on getting enrolled in either general or CCRP.

FSA is looking at adjusting rental rates to make more competitive with local county rental rates. Some as higher as 35-40% higher over last year.

In conjunction with that signup we are anticipating the CCRP programs to open up again as well with some CP-38,37,33 acres allocated.

Persons with expiring CRP acres can re-enroll thier CRP and newest rates including those at the CCRP if they have eligibility on the land acres enrolled.

More info on FSA website
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