Corn is being cut today.


New member
On my way home from Wichita I saw my first field of corn being cut today (Sat 8/21) about halfway between Wichita and Wellington along the turnpike. Hunting season can not be far away now.
Fall Harvest a Good Omen

Nice to see the fall harvest underway. Last year much corn and milo was still in the field in early season. That will definitely not be the case this year. By Nov. 13 the pheasants will be solidly habituated to taking two meals a day in the corn and milo stalks, just the way we want it.
i would guess dryland crops will be cut early for silage, irrigated stuff with all the heat should be ready early as well, we'll see.
i wouldn't get my hopes up too high Kansasbrit, it always seems there is way too much that hasn't been cut in the early season. heck, last year these guys were just getting after it after Thanksgiving, no one seems to be in any kind of hurry, especially irrigated corn, which they leave to dry as long as they can.....or so it seems.