contributing to the delinquicy of minors?


New member
well guys i contributed to the corruption of a nephew( benelliboy ) and his 2 sisters thursday. while i was at work i recieved a phone call from them. uncle gene can you help us buy something we arent old enough. what!!! where are you? lot of thoughts went thru my mind on this one. turns out they were at Petco tring to buy some fish for Capt Coots new aquarium. the evil actions of todays youth, tring to buy pet fish while under age.:eek: turns out they wont sell pets to you if you arent 18 or have an adult with you. benelliboy is only 17. he could sign up for the military but he cant get a guppy ( or a cute girlfriend). i drove over to the pet store and found them standing by the fish tanks. sales girl comes up to me and ask if i was their dad. no i'm thier uncle sell them the fish. well ok but they can only have ONE!!! ONE!!??? why only one? they are african chiclids and can be aggressive. i know that i use to raise and spawn them. they will be ok with more than one. NO thier tank is too small!!! belliboy how big is coots tank. he says 14 gallons. i tell her that they can have more than one. they wanted 4. NOO. one only. you got to be kidding me. then she starts to explain the fish to me. i tell her i know about these fish and how to raise them. then i really torqued her off. look the store tank is about the same size and you have a hell of alot more than one fish in that tank.:eek: boy did i get a dirty look on that comment. fine you can have 2 but NOOO MORE!!!! i look at my shocked nephew and nieces and tell them i'll only buy fish for you this one time. DONT even think of asking me to buy beer for you:p what in the hell is the world coming to!!! minors coming to the big city and trying to buy fish.!!!!!!!! told benneliiby if you really want to make her day tommorrow bring in the old mangy farm dog to be groomed.
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Unreal! no wonder I want to go postal on a daily basis. This country has gone straight to hell
NO $hit, You've got to be kidding Fish??? When I was a kid I had several tanks, both salt water and fresh. I bought fish all time from age 9. I had know Idea kids can't buy fish.
Think I've been kicked off the petco complaint site:eek: Told them he's old enough to die for his country but not old enough to buy petco fish. Then said petco would rather have kids on the street doing drugs then having a cool hobby like fish. They've seen my money for the last time:eek: Walmart don't care how old you are:D
NO $hit, You've got to be kidding Fish??? When I was a kid I had several tanks, both salt water and fresh. I bought fish all time from age 9. I had know Idea kids can't buy fish.

this is the gods honest truth. petco now has a store policy that you HAVE to be 18 to buy pets. my youngest son cant buy fish there anymore unless i go with him. he is 17. needless to say we dont go there any more.
As a future educator I try to stay on top of the latest trends. I have been hearing rumors of teens engaging in underground "fish sniffing" parties. :eek:

I, for one, am glad that PETCO has stepped up their war on the elicit fish sniffing trade!!!
