Companion crop for Pearl Millet in a strip border


New member
Going to be planting about a 10 to 15 foot strip around my NWSG. I've got some Pearl Millet that a friend gave me to use but was wondering if there was anything else I could broadcast with it. The strip has been killed and then disced up pretty nicely. I've got some milo I could use as well as some beans, some Korean Lespedeza thats probably 5 to 6 years old but its been kept in a cool dry place, some fresh Korean Lespedeza and I've got 5 lbs of Buckwheat. This strip will probably total about a 1/4 of an acre Thanks for any and all help.
Jaytee, not a big fan of pearl millet. Proso and German are much better. However, planting cowpeas with it can add another dimension to your plot. It should up the insect numbers, provide additional seed down the road, and fix some nitrogen along the way. It could draw deer numbers to the planting that could result in destruction if their numbers are high. Another option would be to mix German, Proso, African millets and Egyptian wheat with the Pearl. Would be less attractive to deer and would give you broad adaptability for seed production.
I agree with PD that pearl millet isn't the best choice, but then again it's hard to argue with free. :cheers:

I'd mix it with the sorghum you've got, but be careful to keep the rate appropriate for the 1/4 acre plot and not over-seed. If you end up with any thing spots in a month or so, throw in some buckwheat before a rain and it'll make sure you've got the plot filled in nicely.
If it were me, I would get a bag of Black Oil Sunflowers and put with it. 50 lbs of bird seed, inexpensive, grows fast, wildlife love it and does well with millet.
Well I went with milo, beans, and oats. The beans were a bit thin so I may have to go in and add some but the other stuff should make a good plot and give 'em some bare ground as well.
What kind of beans did you plant?
If it were me, I would get a bag of Black Oil Sunflowers and put with it. 50 lbs of bird seed, inexpensive, grows fast, wildlife love it and does well with millet.
I'm not sure I'd call black oil sunflowers inexpensive. I used to buy it for my bird feeder, but it's basically doubled in price in less than a year. :eek: