Colorado Opener

I hit some WIA in Yuma/Logan Ctys yesterday morning before it got too hot. very encouraged by the bird numbers. We saw about 30 birds, I've never seen more than 3 in a day in any previous trip out there since 2012. They were flushing way too far out of range for the most part and I screwed up on a few but it was refreshing to actually see something.
I am glad to hear of the decent reports that were had by those who went out over the weekend. I was curious if any who went out noticed if there was still standing corn. I called my cousin a couple of weeks ago and he said he still had about 60% of his crop to get harvested. Just wondering what you all observed out there.
I saw a decent amount of standing corn. in fact, we saw about 15 birds that I think got spooked up by a running deer fly straight across the road to standing corn. that sucked.
Saw more birds than the last 5-6 years combined. Still a lot of hens which should help the upcoming years. If this trend continues, the next few years could be fantastic!
I got a friend who went out today where I was hunting.. Got there around 4 p.m. He is going to wait out the blizzard and hope to not be snowed in too bad and hunt for a couple days.. He is in a 2 wheel drive truck with a camper and it could be a long day for him tomorrow watching the snow pile up around his truck.... Should be 45 on Wednesday and sunny and a great day to be there, cuz he ain't going anywhere else!!!:eek:
I got a friend who went out today where I was hunting.. Got there around 4 p.m. He is going to wait out the blizzard and hope to not be snowed in too bad and hunt for a couple days.. He is in a 2 wheel drive truck with a camper and it could be a long day for him tomorrow watching the snow pile up around his truck.... Should be 45 on Wednesday and sunny and a great day to be there, cuz he ain't going anywhere else!!!:eek:

OK Now I am jealous......
From what I saw today bird numbers are defintley up!!! Shooting skills are down!! Should of been done by 10 a.m. on public ground!!!:cheers:

I concur with everyone on this...just a leisurely day with the 13yo pup and I yesterday, and even then we killed a limit (finished 2 in the last field when the lightning/hail storm rolled in). That storm front coming in was nuts. At 4:00, it was like someone turned off the lights. Birds were pouring into the grass field that we were standing in from 3 directions. Could barely see them flying in from 50-75 yards, but they sure held for points and flushed close when we got on top of them :)

Should have been done much earlier, but alas, the muscle memory isn't quite there yet after hauling a rifle around for a month. I need to get out to the clays course and shoot a metric ton of right-to-left low crossers.

We saw birds in nearly every field (only WIA ground). Guys we talked to said the same. I didn't even want to post so as to not let the interwebs in on the numbers, but the bunch on this site is going to go hunt regardless :)

Get out there, gang. It still isn't South Dakota, but it's sure ahead of the last couple years.
I am glad to hear of the decent reports that were had by those who went out over the weekend. I was curious if any who went out noticed if there was still standing corn. I called my cousin a couple of weeks ago and he said he still had about 60% of his crop to get harvested. Just wondering what you all observed out there.

Out of the 10 fields we hit yesterday, 5 of them had active harvesting going on within 1/2-1 mile. Passed lots of semis hauling corn yesterday (including some hairy passing on the greasy roads getting out of there last night).

Rough figuring, I'd say 90% of it was down or in the process of going down.
I'm sure the farmers wanted to the corn cut before a blizzard hit. Turns those fields into mud and they'd have to wait for dry weather again.
Friend just got back from his blizzard outing...Went out this morning said it was beautiful and shot a rooster right off the bat... Wounded the bird and dog was on the trail for a bit and got him... Then he noticed something was wrong with his dog and then a seizure hit.... Had to come back home.. Taking the dog in tomorrow to see what was going on... Said not much snow on the ground due to it blowing and about 2 feet in the ditches...Saw 4 roosters on the dirt road as he was pulling out... Saw 1 guy road hunting and another guy that had a dog. Roads must be o.k. cause he only has 2 wheel drive..:cheers:
Friend just got back from his blizzard outing...Went out this morning said it was beautiful and shot a rooster right off the bat... Wounded the bird and dog was on the trail for a bit and got him... Then he noticed something was wrong with his dog and then a seizure hit.... Had to come back home.. Taking the dog in tomorrow to see what was going on... Said not much snow on the ground due to it blowing and about 2 feet in the ditches...Saw 4 roosters on the dirt road as he was pulling out... Saw 1 guy road hunting and another guy that had a dog. Roads must be o.k. cause he only has 2 wheel drive..:cheers:

Thanks for the report - sure hope your friend's dog is going to be ok :(
Friend just got back from his blizzard outing...Went out this morning said it was beautiful and shot a rooster right off the bat... Wounded the bird and dog was on the trail for a bit and got him... Then he noticed something was wrong with his dog and then a seizure hit.... Had to come back home.. Taking the dog in tomorrow to see what was going on... Said not much snow on the ground due to it blowing and about 2 feet in the ditches...Saw 4 roosters on the dirt road as he was pulling out... Saw 1 guy road hunting and another guy that had a dog. Roads must be o.k. cause he only has 2 wheel drive..:cheers:

I have been battling seizures with my english setter for the last couple of years. if your friend would like a great vet recommendation, contact me. I strongly advise against VRCC neurology in Englewood.
I have been battling seizures with my english setter for the last couple of years. if your friend would like a great vet recommendation, contact me. I strongly advise against VRCC neurology in Englewood.

Thanks for the headsup!! We live up North. I don't know who he uses up here, but I travel to LaSalle for mine. I have been going there a long time and they are very reasonable and understand bird dogs and hunting unlike one I had to hit in an emergency, but that could be a whole nother thread!!!:cheers: