Two years ago I was in Easter, TX for opening day; that evening watching TV, I saw a technique new to me (but then, pheasant hunting itself is new to me). These folks had a 100 foot-long clothesline, stretched between two of them, hunting CRP land. The idea was to flush the birds between the two hunters, many of which otherwise just sit there and let you walk by.
Since we fly in from North Carolina, and can't bring a dog, I thought this worth a try, so I made one stab at it, with my daughter on the other end of the line, in Nebraska last year. The jury is out, for us; we didn't flush any birds, but then, we didn't see any in that field, regardless, so who knows? It works OK logistically if the cover is fairly uniform--obviously if there are trees over four feet or so, it's going to be a pain to do this for long.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience in this odd approach; we are going to South Dakota in a month, and again, no dog, so I'm thinking of trying it again. Thanks for any insights,
Since we fly in from North Carolina, and can't bring a dog, I thought this worth a try, so I made one stab at it, with my daughter on the other end of the line, in Nebraska last year. The jury is out, for us; we didn't flush any birds, but then, we didn't see any in that field, regardless, so who knows? It works OK logistically if the cover is fairly uniform--obviously if there are trees over four feet or so, it's going to be a pain to do this for long.
Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has had any experience in this odd approach; we are going to South Dakota in a month, and again, no dog, so I'm thinking of trying it again. Thanks for any insights,