clipped wing birds

Before my pup goes for training, I want to do some preliminary work. I have a few frozen birds that he is retrieving to me nicely. I would like to do some work on live clipped wing birds, but have never done that before. So... 3 questions

1) Where do i get them and how much are they?
2) What do you do to turn them into clipped wing birds so they won't fly away?
3) How do you store them?
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alot of bird training have been done with Quails. You can make a bird keeper for quails as they come back to the pen and out when you let them out. they are like chicken, they go out when you let them out and come back in before dark.

ive heard LOTS of trainers use quails.
You might put an add on craigslist for pigeons or call a professional dog trainer and ask to buy a few. Around here they go for 5 or 6 bucks each.

You can also buy a trap and ask farmers if you can trap them, farmers hate them because they crap on everything.

As far a turning them into clips, the most common way is to pull most of the feathers out of one wing. I suggest cutting them w/ scissors to avoid damaging the bird. You can also tape one wing but my favorite method for birds I'm planning to keep awhile is to use vet tape around the head & eyes.

The bird won't fly if he can't see and it's very easy to remove after training w/ no damage to the bird.