choice of chokes in O/U

Choke Choice

In my Mossberg International Silver Reserve II 12 gauge I use Carlson's flush tubes, M over IC.
Hi, while not a O/U, I like a IC/IM combo in my SxS's. Here on the prairies this combo works for me. Especially mid to late season when the birds are getting spooky and tend to flush wild. Early on, as others have said, IC/Mod is hard to beat.

Good Luck!

You guys must all be much faster with your follow up shots than me. I prefer Skeet/improved modified. I just don't feel like there is that much difference between IC/MOD. Bobwhites fly about 10yds per second. So if you flush a covey shoot and hit one mark it down then find another and pull the trigger in my book that quail has probably gone 20 yards in that time. IC/MOD difference is theoretically a 10 yard difference. That's why I prefer a bigger difference between the chokes.
Quail in my 28 - Cyl/Imp Cyl
Early Pheasant in my 28 - Imp Cyl/Mod
Quail in tubed 16 ga - Skeet
Pheasant " " - light modified (tighter later in season)
Everything in old Mdl 12 16 - modified
I tend to go with IC/M for almost everything in my 20g but have used C/IC opening day pheasants as they seem to sit very tight in the locations i hunt