Changes to A400 Explor for old and cold hands

Changes I made to my A400 Explor to cope with old hands, cold hands, arthritis and gloves.
Briley bolt catch and a Beretta 1301 Tactical safety.
So far, so good
This is timely...was in SD 10 day's ago in very frigid temps. I swore several times at the puny safety, on the Benelli M2 and vowed to replace it asap. However, I'm not certain what would fit and who would install. Need to find a gunsmith as mine moved to OK.
Problem is have has is feeding shells into the magazine. My gloves get pinched along the sides.

I am looking into jb welding a bigger head on my safety now that I see their answer.
Changes I made to my A400 Explor to cope with old hands, cold hands, arthritis and gloves.
Briley bolt catch and a Beretta 1301 Tactical safety.
So far, so good
Interesting as I shoot the same gun. Any more details you can share?
Well, the Briley bolt release has been an improvement but will catch a corn leaf blade now and again while pushing close rows. I just pull them out.
The 1301 tac safety has been the best. Much larger than the standard A400. The only thing I'm working on is getting a thin enough glove to be warm but not catch on the lifter while loading the magazine.
It's been a great gun for the short time I've had it.


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Never had issues with bolt release button and cold hands, but ALL 4 of my A400's have a Briley oversized charge handle. It now feels odd to handle any auto without oversized charge handle.