Capt Coot gets Benneli Boy.


New member
opening day of pheasant 2011 will be a day that will live in infamy. the group cootie was hunting with got split up. benneliboy decided to shot some ducks that landed on a pond. while he was going after the ducks a dnr officer showed up and did a licsense check. a shot rings out over the pond and a wounded duck glides off and falls. capt coot ask warden if he wants to have some fun and tells him to pick on benneliboy. explains how bb had totaled his boat a few months ago. warden agreed. benneliboy comes back to main group. warden ask if that shot over the pond was his. bb says yes it was. warden ask where the duck is. bb said he couldnt find it. warden says he didnt look long enough and that he was going to charge him with wanton waste.:eek: bb said well i came back to get my dog to find it. warden ask if he made it a practice to hunt ducks on a waterfowl refuge. bb stutters what iii diddnt seee ssiggn. warden said thats not my problem it yours. bb said he was sorry. warden said he had to accept the consequnses. bb agreed. warden asked to see his licsense. that was ok. then he asked if he had steel shot. bb said yyeesss sirrr hedddidd stuttering. then he was asked if he had a plug in shotgun. yyess siirr. he slid 2 shells in mag and said see it hold 3 shells. warden barked did you just put 3 in mag. bb is scared crapless and said no it only holds 2 in mag and drops shell. he hands the gun to his friend. warden ask why did you give him the gun. bb gives warden a dazed look. whhhattt do youuu mmmean stuttering. warden said thats my gun. bb :(WHAT??? it was used to commit a crime. the shell belt is mine also. bb i'm sorry holding back the tears warden said bb had to be held accountable for his actions. bb agreed and said your right your in charge. warden damn right i'm in charge. how did you get here today? bb what? did you drive a vehicle here today. yesss ssirrr i did. well i will have to take that also.:eek: by this time coot said he was rolling on the ground behind bb motioning officer to pull his gun.the warden was resposible and drew the line at this. bb was in a terrible state by this time. he said how sorry he was and accepted resposibility for his actions. then benneliboy uttered the line that will forever be part of our family lore. i'm sorry officer is there anyway i can keep my shotgun?:( (he had saved his money and had just bought the gun. it is a browning gold hunter.) what a kid !!! he was willing to give up the truck to keep his gun. he didnt care that it was his dads truck:eek: warden well i guess the only thing i can do for you is to tell you your uncle put me up to this:10 oh how i wish i was there to witness this historic prank.. bb was just devistated. i think he had to change his shorts twice after this. everyone had a great laugh at benneliboys expense. i do have to say as well as many others how proud we are of benneliboy. he was very respectfull and polite to the officer and never did mouth off to him. officer even thought he was a great kid also. now benneliboy wants me to help him get capt coot. all i can say is grasshopper DON'T mess with the master.:p the coot is in a leauge of his own. THIS POST HAS BEEN FULLY APPROVED BY THE COOT. THE NAMES AND PLACES HAVE NOT BEEN CHANGED TO PROTECT THE INNOCENT.
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BC and COOT your carma is going to run out some day. BB pm me and I'll tell you how to get over on these two. LOL:D
This story is exactly why I said in the "meeting new people through the forum" post that:


That is so frickin' funny!!

I must of missed the thread:( Got to post :coolpics: of idaho I like that part of the country:thumbsup:
Hilarious! And well worth the price of having to clean spewed soda off of my monitor. Pure (evil) genius, that!
Somehow I missed this thread. I was there, and it was good as was originally posted! I still can't believe that officer carried it as far as he did!
This stuff is priceless!! BC, great writeup. Could make Field and Stream magazine (back cover of course).

I hope you 3 can make Pheasant Fest. I want to get your autographs.

You should think of starting you own TV show. Way better than Duck Commander.

By the way...I thought each post was limited to like 4 emoticons. Emoticon overload there but acceptable in place of punctuation.:D

Cootie...I got you by 1000 posts so get to work.
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This story is exactly why I said in the "meeting new people through the forum" post that:


That is so frickin' funny!!

JS I hear you. I was laughing so hard reading this that tears were rolling down my face! :cheers:
The tread came back to life. Still makes me laugh. When and where is chickenfest? Uguide I was wacthing pheasant hunting show on some hunting channel and are you advertising on TV? Cockerfan shot all the chickens:mad: I think he was starting to feel bad for BB not me he wrecked my boat:mad: I should start a traveling hunting tour to visit with you all:thumbsup: I'd get to hunt everywhere or maybe watch wallets not that full:D
Uguide I was wacthing pheasant hunting show on some hunting channel and are you advertising on TV?

Not me but SD Dept of Tourism picks people who are connected to the Dept of Tourism site and then they promote your "Special".

I saw my ad run on Pheasants Forever Television last weekend.

Last year I did not pay for any advertising except SD Tourism and just the uguide website.

If you get a show on TV I am sure they would wnat to sponsor you.:)
talked to the warden that hammered on benelliboy. he is still laughing about it.:cheers: i'm surprised no on has questioned why benelli boy bought a browning?