CANCELLED FEB 22 wild pheasant flushing surveys


This is getting old..:(

Hi Everyone,

Wild pheasant flushing surveys scheduled for FEB 22 in the Turbotville Area are CANCELLED due to snowy and icy conditions on the ground and more snow, cold temperatures, and wintry mix forecast. Conditions look bad all around.

We will try to re-schedule survey days up to the start of the breeding season. Hopefully, conditions will improve.

Thanks for all your support of wild pheasant restoration!

Colleen DeLong
Wildlife Biologist
PA Game Commission
Thanks for the information. I was wondering how things were going up there. Hopefully the birds are doing well enough to make it through the next several weeks until we get a thaw of some kind.
The good thing it looks like that area was hit the least with snow and sunday warm and rain might get rid of a lot of it.
Thanks for the information, my E-Mail is screwed up, so I no longer get the updates.
Good to hear that area hasn't been hit to hard.