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We are heading to northern ND on Monday for sharps and Huns. We will be hunting for 3 days. I want to try something different this year- we are thinking about camping. Are the city parks with camping a viable option? This all started with us wanting to try sleeping on the prairie. Any advice is appreciated.
I camped in the Little Missouri National Grasslands just south of Williston for a couple years to hunt sharptails. It's free, uncrowded, and beautiful in spots, especially by the river. If you don't need services it's a good spot.
That’s not too far to where we are wanting to be. I did see a city park not too far that has a shower house too-need to do a little more research.
Thanks for the input Hobie!
A few of the city campgrounds could still be a little rough up there ... although most of the oil guys (and the riff raff that follow them) are long gone.
I’m sure it’s probably less crowded or at least more Peaceful on the prairie. Several times last year I pulled my cargo trailer into rv campsites. I was covered in oil and gas guys in Kansas once the sun went down! They didn’t bother me or my dogs though.
There is a show on National Geographic channel about Williston and the crime that followed. That part of ND has a much different viewpoint on crime than the rest of rural ND.