Cactus Spine in a Dogs Paw


Well-known member
I believe my dog has a cactus spine broken off between the pads(webbing). She was limping, so I took a look and pulled out a few spines that were visible. It’s been a couple of days and she is still three legged. I keep soaking it in epsom salts and keep adding antibiotic. It doesn’t look infected but is definitely sore.

Any thoughts? How long should I wait before I take her to the vet.
I wouldn't wait any longer if it has been this long. It probably won't work it's way out and may end up working it's way to the bone or a tendon, which could get really problematic. If it didn't "puss" up and infect to get it out, it's going to start causing damage inside eventually.
BIL's lab put a plum tree thorn through the webbing between the toes a couple years pussed up and started infection within 2 days....I put some pressure like popping a pimple and all the gunk and a piece of it came out. Still ended up at the vet, they had to lance it and take out the rest. Antibiotics, foot wrap.....he was down about a week and good to go then.
Related issues, possible piece of thorn and localized infection called interdigital abscess. Need to remove foreign body, flush wound and antibiotics. Once healed I would suggest bandaging or boots. Common site for a puncture wounds.
My dog had to have a locust thorn taken out of his paw. His foot swelled up so much that it looked like a softball. They put him under, and I believe he had a couple of stitches.