ca johnson english setters


New member
i am looking for anyone who has tried to keeo thid line going. C A was from west mineral ks, he was the original owneer and breeder of Grouse Ridge John he kept thid line going for several years.
I co-owned a dog with CA back in the 80's, a male. We bred that male to lewellen female and had a terrific litter. I kept one female which was a leftover that turned out to be one of the best dogs I ever had the pleasure of hunting with. I let Scott Miller, maybe the best trainer in the country, do some force fetch with her and at that time said she was the best dog in his kennels. She has been deceased for over 15 yrs now and we tried several attempts to breed her but she never took.
kqh, you'll probably find the strongest lines of this blood through line breeding on Tomoka and Grouse Ridge Will. I keep a lot of this blood in my kennel, though it is hard to keep it a significant % from dogs that long gone. There was a litter of Tomoka pups whelped in the last year though they were not line bred. The bottom side is largely Sunrise bred.