burlington area pheasant hunt team up

Greetings everybody

Ill be heading out to hunt pheasants this Saturday at my new favorite field. Its in the burlington area and it consists of a stripped wheat field bordered by corn on three sides and across the road lies a giant crp field. The wheat field is lined on the perimeter by light cover that runs the entirety of the fence line. The back of the field has a sweet spot where the pheasants are sure to hold up but even with this knowledge and light cover they have gotten too fast and smart for my closing working ridgeback and me. If anyone would like to join up and attack the field together we stand to limit out by 10 am. I would like to meet up in stratton around 7 and than drive out to the field with the plan already hatched out and all systems go. PM me if your interested.

Are you north or south of Stratton? Myself and two others are hunting WIA 30 minutes south of Stratton Saturday but we wont be there until around 9am. Maybe we could work togeather if your down our direction.
I would love to, I'm trying to meet other like minded hunters. Upland game has become my new passion over the past three years but for whatever reason all my friends and family prefer big game. I like keeping my favorite fields secret for obvoius reasons but hunting alone becomes lonely sometimes and unfruitful when the pheasants get real smart..... anyways I will be down south and slightly east of stratton. It should only take an hour or so to work the field so In terms of timing it would defiantly work out for you.
John Vulcan 719 367 4996, give me a call today if you have time

Will do, ll call you around noon.
Hello everyone

If you have already responded to this thread your all good, to everyone else sorry but I have hit my quota for team members. Thank you for your interest, next time! We'll post photos from our hunt tomorrow for those who missed out.
Hello everyone

If you have already responded to this thread your all good, to everyone else sorry but I have hit my quota for team members. Thank you for your interest, next time! We'll post photos from our hunt tomorrow for those who missed out.

Maybe not for pheasants this season but next year I'd like to January pheasant hunt & maybe scaled quail hunt...

But does your Merriammonster handle mean you are into hunting monster Merriam's gobblers or am I wrong??? I plan to hunt CO this spring for a Merriam's any chance to hook up? I'm very curious...

Happy safe hunting the rest of this season
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Im a turkey hunting freak, public land, DIY.... give me a call sometime if your serious.

I'm serious as a heart-attack man I can not get enuff turkey hunting & Merriam's are my favorite to hunt by far that's a beauty you have in the pic... I ended up with like 5 gobblers 2 Jakes last year hunted MO IA NE WY all but 2 birds were off public land got lucky in NE cattle guy let me go across the public onto private & hunt bagged 2 there 1 gobbler had double beards snow white I mounting him ... + I missed 2 long beards was a good season... shooting turkey in CRP is tricky I guess

I'm trying to bag a gobbler in every state on public lands at like 9 states now thinking CO/NM. this year border hop if I'm lucky in 1 state or the other...

Just need to go back to Florida for the public land Osceola for the public land grand slam... 98% of my birds came/come of public DIY hunts love it all...
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I prefer to hunt private land for turkey, but I won't pay. I'm not going to fuel that industry that's limiting me.
Interested in how you did as well?

We ended up with one rooster after two and a half days. Not for a lack of birds or walking but just didn't work out. They were very jumpy and normally well out of range. Saturday we could have done better I think if we would of listened to some advice given here and waited to hit the CRP until later in the morning. Instead we hit them first thing in the morning and jumped birds on the edge still coming in from feeding. The rest of the day we found birds but out of range and plenty of other hunters. Sunday was a bust with one rooster seen everything else were hens. Monday was by far the best with the snow we found them in evergreen rows bordering corn. Had we known the fields better we could of set up blockers and done better but of course the time we getting it figured out is the time to go home.

My pup did great she had us set up on five birds all weekend one was the rooster we got but all the others were hens.
Jumping in here, but I went hunting Saturday and Monday, in Yuma County.

Saturday, we didn't get close to many roosters, although hens held much tighter. Hunting buddy got into one reasonable patch of taller red grass (I still have not made the effort to find out what kind it is), while I walked shorter but heavy yellow grass. Birds started getting out about 50 yards in front of him, until one rooster finally flushed a bit closer. He missed that one, but another got up in-range, and he got him. I had no shots, as all birds went directly away from him, while I was about 50 yards to his right. Hens buzzed me, but that's it.

At the opposite corner of the section, a rooster got up almost underfoot, and I dropped him.

The rest of the morning, we saw only hens.

In the afternoon, we went to another area, and I missed what should have been an easy shot, as I hit my muff with my stock. Have never done that before!

Monday, I went alone. Snow was very informative. I got onto birds in trees, but had no good shots, due to the trees. I walked a heavy fenceline, and got two roosters out of it. Went to a stand of heavy weeds, and followed tracks into the weeds. Rooster got up, and I put him down.

In between birds, I walked some very heavy grass, and saw zero tracks in the 2 miles I walked. I presume that the birds can't run on/in the grass well enough, and they avoid this seemingly great cover. I have walked this quarter 4 times this year, and only saw one bird, so that seems to support my theory.

Also walked good milo stubble, but the only roosters that got up in-range did it while I was looking at a foxhole, so I wouldn't step into it. When I looked up, I saw the birds exiting shooting range. Also, not as many tracks in the fresh snow in the milo. This area normally has lots of birds in it, so it appears that not many decided to eat by 10 a.m.

Along that line, of the birds I got in the fencerow, one had a full crop of corn (it was a young bird), but the older bird had nothing in his crop. The one I got about noon in the weeds, had nothing in his crop. I would like to know how long it takes for seeds/grain to move out of a pheasant's crop. Will have to do some research.

But, the snow day was a much better day for hunting. I saw lots of birds, and didn't have to walk 10 miles for my limit - only 8? miles! Sure was enjoyable, even though the wind was about 15 mph, and snow was coming down. Beats doing almost anything else!