bull loose

Phil V.

New member
Just read an article about a angus that has been loose in a connecticut town since July. They say it has been running with a herd of deer.They say they have been trying to catch but have been unsuccessful to this point.Just thought I'd pass this on.
Think I'd shoot me some angus beef over deer:thumbsup: Old guy told me once poeple are alway trying to give away deer but you never hear I got a bunch of beef in the freezer want some:) I like both:thumbsup: Deer sticks yum yum:)
I'd be careful there coot you might get shot, in the confusion
Years ago we had a new bull break out and on the loose for several days. Ended up shooting him about 3 miles from home. We weren't taking the risk of someone hitting him on the Hwy.
Plenty of beef too. :D
We had to laugh. I had a couple of friends up the weekend this happened. I told them when someone asked what they did up at my place over the weekend. I told them they could say..Oh we drank some beer, BBQed and shot the Bull...LMAO