Bryant McKinnie cut by the Vikings


Well-known member
We'll.... I think it was a long time coming. Coming into camp overweight and unwilling to restructure his contract, which would have led to less money, the Vikings parted ways with #74.

Too me Bryant never gave me the feeling that he really liked football, but certainly loved the lifestyle it afforded with his multi million dollar contract. I have to think he is one of the main reasons Mr. Favre ended up on his backside so many times last year. I think he had some talent and his footwork for a big man was good, but when your heart doesn't seem to be in it, time to do something else.
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McKinnie was a punk that only cared about Tweeting and Eating!!!

Glad he's gone! He got Favre killed last year.
Yeah I'm glad he's gone.
Sounds like he was a blimp! 400 pounds:eek: Couldn't even bend over.:(
They say he will not be able to play this season?
It's weird. Because at times he would look great and other times he was being beaten regularly by rookie defensive lineman. It just appeared he was more interested in the money and the lifestyle if afforded then actually playing football.

The real disgrace came when he missed practices at the Pro bowl the year before last and was kicked off the team. What a complete embarrassment to the vikings.
It's weird. Because at times he would look great and other times he was being beaten regularly by rookie defensive lineman. It just appeared he was more interested in the money and the lifestyle if afforded then actually playing football.

The real disgrace came when he missed practices at the Pro bowl the year before last and was kicked off the team. What a complete embarrassment to the vikings.

Exactly! Part of the problem last year. Strange guy:confused::confused:
So he probably will never will make a fraction of the $$ he would have made.
Hope he was smart enough to invest a little.:eek::eek:
Never thought he was that good. Maybe the vikings are starting to figure out what good players look and act like:thumbsup: I hope not they might actually win a superbowl:)