
The high desert is way cold & for way too long. Must be my retirement gift . . . worked out in it all week up in the air & wind all week, and spent my 1 day off repairing/thawing water lines & jump-starting vehicles for others who were woefully unprepared. Supposed to warm-up this week.
high of zero tomarrow 30mph wind:eek: Looks like I'll have to work with a shirt on:(:D

LOL cooty Might be a good Idea. ROFLOL:D It was 35 today, (yea yea I know) But all my cold weather gear is in Wyoming, And I'm freezing my behind off until the sun comes up, for several hours. Hoodie isn't cutting it. LOL:D
Its been like 18 or 19 degrees every morning for over a week, wth? This is central California, we grow oranges here lol. Looked at the weather report where I hunted thanksgiving week, lows around -9 and highs in the 20's.:eek:
Its been like 18 or 19 degrees every morning for over a week, wth? This is central California, we grow oranges here lol. Looked at the weather report where I hunted thanksgiving week, lows around -9 and highs in the 20's.:eek:


Thats nuts for your area. I'll stop B!tchn about the cold know.:D

Thats nuts for your area. I'll stop B!tchn about the cold know.:D

The negative temps were about 500mi north of me Scott but our cold snap was pretty bad, it damaged a lot of citrus I think.
Holy Crap Man. :)
I wish I could tell You guys how much I feel sorry for Y'all.:eek:

PLEASE:eek: try survive. :cheers: