Brood Rearing + Fire Breaks


Well-known member
Established some new firebreaks this year in our CRP planting. Pretty heavily dominated by NWSG, but there is a forb component.

Would like to seed the fire breaks down to something very beneficial for brood rearing. Was thinking some like this
Mix components: Alsike clover, arrowleaf clover, berseem clover, crimson clover, ladino clover, red clover, and alfalfa.

Any better ideas? Or should this fit the bill?
Looks like a nice mix! There's some annual and perennial clover so the composition of the blend may change over the years, but looks like they want you to replant after 3-4 to address that/natural thinning. Might want to make sure ph is close to 6.5 especially with the alfalfa and fertilize as recommended.

Share some pics later if you go ahead with it!
I would also think that would work fine. White clover or aldino might be best as they might have less growth to burn. The growth might not be an issue as the deer with likely graze it hard. That is a good idea, I might have to see if they would let us do that...doubtful as our require mid-contract management practices are over now.