Breaking Cabin Fever...


UPH Guru
Over the past few days, we've had slightly warmer weather, melting the ground cover snow and the first few inches of frozen earth, which then became sloppy mud. Dropped into the 20's and let us have an inch or so of blowing, drifting snow. The sloppy mud turned into solid ground, and on the high ground, the blowing snow made small drifts of four to five inches at various places.

The 3 wheeler was running, I was feeling confined, and Mick is always up for an adventure, especially since we haven't been out hunting and he's bored.


Yesterday I spent a large part of a great day on the 3 wheeler, with Mick racing along, stopping to investigate stuff and smells, then charging back to keep up with me. Temps were probably in the 20s, kind of overcast, but not gloomy, and we covered most of the neighbor's 500 acres, bumping slowly over snow-covered rows, and leaning into the tall side of hills as we tried to go straight. I never go fast, and I kept speeds to slow-to-moderate so Mick wasn't having to over-exert himself to keep up.

I haven't had fun in a long time. I've done stuff, but it was "ok," not really a pleasure.

The day was a pleasure, topped off with my lifting Mick up, plopping his front legs over the handlebars, and confining his butt between my legs, and bopping along on the way back. He was tolerating it as we broke the cabin fever grouchiness I had developed.

Nice when old stuff works, the weather is temperate, and you go places you haven't been in years. :)

Sounds like fun Kis. I used to love my 3 wheeler when I was young, they're to dangerous for kids nowadays I guess.:thumbsup:
Out again. Wind, temps, ground cruel and unforgiving this morning...but we got out. Virtually no game sign from birds to rabbits to deer--they must be hunkered down.

Still, for Wisconsin, Winter has been less brutal than in many years. I worry about Mick a bit. He's at least 10, maybe 12 years old. He still has "game," but this time of year is tough on critters of all ages.

It was good to be outside of four walls, though. These days go slowly for me.
That is some nice looking country except it would be better have to look hard to see Mick because of the tall grass. And all the distractions from all the pheasant flushes. :)