BOMB dogs


New member
Did anyone else notice? Was watching Fox news last night when they did a segment on the Mall of America and that the press was not allowed inside to film--except they took a small group on a guided tour--they were talking about having 4 bomb sniffing dogs and three of the four got on camera in the background----Two black and white Springers and what looked like a GSP. :thumbsup:
My older golden is a different kind of bomb dog. I was following her up the stairs the other night and she dropped a fart bomb. It was terrible and had almost the same effect as tear gas. :eek:
My older golden is a different kind of bomb dog. I was following her up the stairs the other night and she dropped a fart bomb. It was terrible and had almost the same effect as tear gas. :eek:

guess your dog could clear a mall too, eh? ensure the mall is entirely cleared out of all "problem" individuals, I'd tie a pig ear around her neck and let her run around. Between the farts and pig ear necklace on her, we'd get the place cleared out real quick. ensure the mall is entirely cleared out of all "problem" individuals, I'd tie a pig ear around her neck and let her run around. Between the farts and pig ear necklace on her, we'd get the place cleared out real quick.

lol jMc is serious guys.
Maybe the next trend will be pointing German Shepherds in the uplands .:D