Bobwhite by the Sidewalk - UPDATE


Well-known member
On my morning dog walk today a bobwhite hen was in the cut grass near the sidewalk that passes along the only rural private property in the neighborhood. Had heard quail in the cover behind my house but had never seen any. The hen showed no fear of me or my very interested dog.

Update: Yesterday morning the hen was in the yard of the house next to the rural property. She is big and healthy from a diet of wild sunflower seeds.

Isn't this some exciting stuff?! :p
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Need to find her again and put the fear of god in her LOL. She will be cat food before long I bet with that nonsense.

"Bobwhite by the sidewalk" Might make a good song of some sort! LOL
Need to find her again and put the fear of god in her LOL. She will be cat food before long I bet with that nonsense.

"Bobwhite by the sidewalk" Might make a good song of some sort! LOL

Like in "Moonlight in Vermont." lol
cool. I've seen quail in similar spots to that. it's nice to see them but does make them pretty darn easy pickens for kids...take your pick