Benelli Montefeltro 12ga.

River is/was (since I'm just now seeing your quote) the worst I've seen. Living here I avoid downtown though. The bridge has since reopened I'm sure you've heard.

Shimmed the same--Many years ago I bought a Stoeger 2000. It didn't come with shims ( I don't even know if it's shimmable) and I had zero knowledge of shimming. I've shot many many birds with this gun. A few years ago I bought a SBE II. First time out I missed 10 birds (not kidding). Man was i pissed. Here I thought I bought this kick butt gun and couldn't hit a damn thing. I started reading in the manual about drop and it finally occurred to me check it. Took a straight edge off the rib of "old reliable" and measured to the butt of the gun. 2 3/4" SBE- 1 3/4" shimmed them the same. Problem fixed.

Kind of my original point, in one way shape or form if the gun doesn't fit you it doesn't matter how much you spend on it. And a little form helps too!