Bad Times in No. Iowa


New member
I'm sorry to report that conditions in No. Iowa are the worst for birds I've seen in 30 yrs. of hunting here. The season is winding down to the last weekend and closes next Thurs. There's an impenetrable ice coating on all fields. The 4'' of snow on the ground is like concrete. More rain is predicted for this Sat.-Sun. It's -2 below right now with a -18 wind-chill tonight. There's a lot of winter ahead and I'm afraid our bird population will take a big hit. We need a major January thaw and we need it soon.
But only "IF" we still had some "decent" habitat throughout the state then these type of winters wouldn't be that big of a deal. Now that the habitat is all but gone, these types of winters will have a "HUGE" impact on the birds for a long long time.
Northern Iowa Inquiry


I am looking took take a few good friends and my 14-yr. son (and my Brit) to Iowa the second weekend of this year's season. We will probably be staying at Clear Lake.

We know nobody in that neck of the woods and plan on hunting the County Conservation Areas in Cerro Gordo and/or adjacent counties.

Are we fools? It it worth the 12-hour drive? Very few wild pheasants here in Ohio.

Thanks in advance.
hey rustedduck not sure what part of iowa that is but i live the NW part of IOWA and i have been hearing that there are going to be alot of birds here havent heard the count yet ... iv been seen alot of birds to.... i have no clue on the birds by clear lake. but if u get to NW give me a call
Hey Rusteduck, I wish I could throw some sunshine and bluebirds at you, but I fear that there may be more hunters than birds in Cerro Gordo this season. I've run my dogs 3 times in WMA's and have yet to get a point. Not a scientific data collection, but it looks bleak. Myself, I'm heading more NW. It's still early and green, and there may be birds around CL, but I've not seen many. Sorry
Sage, Cackleburs:

Many thanks for the responses.

We will most likely venture NW, but since we will be staying in Clear Lake we will probably stay in the counties contiguous to Cerro Gordo. The Roadside Survey is more encouraging in that neck of the woods.

This is the first time I will be using steel on pheasants. Should I clean out all my old waterfowling 1s and 2s? Or stick with 5 shot, even though steel? Is a 20 ga. effective at all using steel? I've had many an Ohio goose laught at steel shot.
I only shoot a 20 at "cackleducks" I've found 4's to be the best in steel. I do 6's and 5's in lead or heavy-shot. I feel that if you have a close working dog, preferably a pointer 5 steel should work. It may cripple a few more, so I hope your dog(s) are good tracker/retriever.