Back in the day

Man!!!! no way would I want to be a kid now a days. I too was a high school PE teacher (got smart and took early retirement:cheers:). Kids don't know how to play, be creative and use there imagination. Most are to damn lazy. Kids just hated PE because they didn't want to get sweaty. Got tired of trying to motivate them. I remember living in California as a kid and doing most things that have been mentioned. I remember getting on my bike early in the morning with fishing pole and tackle box and riding what seemed like a hundred miles to a place called Puddingstone Dam to fishing, hike and exploring all day long, then my dad would come and pick me up when he got off work about 9 hours later. Now kids eat, sleep and entertain themselves on the couch.
I know what you mean. In early spring, I have to try to get a few boys on the baseball team in good enough shape to maintain an athletic stance, which sadly, I'm only asking them to do for 10-20 seconds at a time. They can barely hold themselves in the plank position, and "air-chairs" last no more than 10 seconds for some of them when we begin. They're soft and it is sad. 11yo's should be able to plank for 5min or more in my unprofessional opinion. A 2 minute "air-chair" is no more a workout than an outdoor poop.

We are fortunate to live near a family that has boys just like ours'. There are base-paths worn in both families' yards every summer. They play pretty much every day. In the winter they meet at the HS gym for basketball regularly. Wrestling practice 2-3 times per week really helps keep 'em in shape too. When they're not hunting with their dads, they're climbing trees and building forts in their Carhart's. They don't live any different than I did in my small town:cheers:
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I don't know when the change came about but it sure did. When I was a kid in the 70's we would hop on our bikes with a fishing pole and tackle box in the summer and be off pond hopping. I remember one pond inparticular that we had to ride past this darn german shepard that liked to chase us. It was unfortunatley on the way to one of our best ponds that we had secured permission to fish on. One of our substitute teachers owned the pond and it was a good one too.

Miss those days so much.
I like when people tell the kid you are so big. Like he's going to be the next superstar athlete. It's fat not muscle:( I told some kids awhile back I didn't have cell phones and all that other stuff. One said how did you survive:) I said you run around outdoors. He said must have been boring:D Nope had the time of my life:thumbsup:
I don't know how kids survived in my day. My earliest memories are grabbing some sort of pole and going fishing. Anywhere within walking or biking distance.
One thing, there are so many Gov imposed rules and regulations now.
We had our home made flat bottom boats pulled up in the brush at different hotspots.
No thought of licence, life vests, flotation, fire extinguisher, legal bait, illegal bait, What fish you keep, what fish you can't, slot limits, size limits, limits, live fish in the boat, live bait when you leave the boat. MN fishing regulations are the size of a good sise paperback.
Guess I'll sit with my Ipad. :confused:
I was driving home today and I was thinking When I was little I would fly a kite it was kind fun. don't see much of it anymore:( So heres my question:eek: What silly little activity did you do when you were little to pass the time? Can't be hunting or fishing that's to easy:)

I still fly kites---I'm an active member of the American Kiteflyes Association.

Kites still work the same way but they to have become more MODERN and lots bigger--I have one that's about 19 x 14 ft .-I doubt that I'll never truly grow up--at least I hope so. :D

A kite arch that I made

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A 2 minute "air-chair" is the no more a workout than an outdoor poop.

HAH - best laugh of the day :D

We are fortunate to live near a family that has boys just like ours'. There are base-paths worn in both families' yards every summer. They play pretty much every day. In the winter they meet at the HS gym for basketball regularly. Wrestling practice 2-3 times per week really helps keep 'em in shape too. When they're not hunting with their dads, they're climbing trees and building forts in their Carhart's. They don't live any different than I did in my small town

Thank gawd - there's still SOME out there having success! :thumbsup:

I don't, and won't, have kids, but I tell ya, when I look around at all my friends who do, it's the kids from hunting and fishing families who have the closest thing to a "healthy and normal" childhood (in my completely biased and unqualified opinion!).
I still fly kites---I'm an active member of the American Kiteflyes Association.

Kites still work the same way but they to have become more MODERN and lots bigger--I have one that's about 19 x 14 ft .-I doubt that I'll never truly grow up--at least I hope so. :D

A kite arch that I made

That's really:coolpics: SDJIM:thumbsup: That big kite might set you flying. better tie off to something heavy:D
yeee ha. I did it I finally found a go cart for sale that was like the one I had growing up. a snowco tri scat 3 wheeler. I just bought it on ebay. wife thinks im crazy. I told her It could be worse. at least I didn't try to buy the first car I owned. a chevvete. hey cootie want to recreate the little red wagon and the ramp:eek::D
I used to fly kites. Good times!:cheers: Otherwise we spent a lot of time jumping our bikes off of stuff, exploring storm drains (what a terrible idea, but we did it all the time), and catching crawdads in the creek by my friend's house. We tried to catch everything that didn't bite us. Bugs, snakes, lizards, amphibians, etc,..

We used to see, using storm drains, how much of the distance between our school and my friend's house we could cover underground... It was a lot farther than you would think, and we did it almost every day. I would lose my mind if my kids did that now.

I bought my kids some kites and we flew them the other day, but the kites sucked. I need to have my dad dig my old one out of storage. It was a pretty good flyer.
I bet they don't make little red wagons like they use to:D Heck I'm game BC I got one more jump in me:D I remember me and my sister use to have races on bikes we would ride around the buildings in opposite directions. I hate blind corners we collided head on:eek: Can't believe we survived that. Can't believe we survived dad when he found the bikes:D
I flew kites too. Lots of fun. Things I did as a kid for fun - too many to list. Out doors all the time.