
very nice deer!
I do have a question we have shot 3 deer with a crossbow, using fixed broadheads.
all three kills where well placed shots, but no blood trail. I have been looking to go to mechancial 's just wondering what type of bow are you shootong, and what type of broadheads you are using.

GSH, I shoot a Barnett brotherhood that is rated at 350fps and I use 125 grain NAP Killzone COC. These have a 2 inch cutting width and I have yet to have a trail that doesn't have good blood. I shoot spitfire mechanical 125 grain broad head with my compound and they too generate a great blood trail on both good and not so good shots. I also have buddies who use the spitfire for their cross bows too. Just make sure the broad head you get is rated for a crossbow. Hope this helps.

We use a Tenpoint crossbow with a G5 fixed head........ That set up killed three bucks this fall all with good holes........ I prefer fixed just so I know what they are going to do

Good luck