Are you ok Jmac?

quail hound

You haven't drowned with all that rain have you?
Holy smokes, that was impressive. Thanks for sharing Bleu!

Jmac. Are most of the catchments (guzzlers) down there in washes so they get filled up from heavy run off like that? When I was in Mojave I didn't find any guzzlers, just stock tanks with little ramps for birds to walk on to get a drink.

That's is what it looks like. Got caught in one a couple of years ago, near Florence, dove hunting near the Hila river. Wash was bone dry four hours earlier, and raging on the way back. Learned a big lesson that day. We and about 15 other people got to wait 6 hour to get back across. No way anybody in their right mind tries to cross one of these washes, when they are running. We have a stupid motorist law in this state. You drive into one and get swept away, they fine the hell out of you.

Every time we have a big rain event, watching the local news is entertaining.:D
Holy smokes, that was impressive. Thanks for sharing Bleu!

Jmac. Are most of the catchments (guzzlers) down there in washes so they get filled up from heavy run off like that? When I was in Mojave I didn't find any guzzlers, just stock tanks with little ramps for birds to walk on to get a drink.


Some stock pounds are catchment, Our guzzlers are offend on a side of a hill and direct water into a ramped collection pool for wildlife. You can check one out at http://valleyofthesunquailforever I hope that links up. If so check out the news section and you see examples of these guzzlers.:)
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You guys have a very nice website, and good work on repairing those guzzlers.:10sign: I gave you guys a little donation so you can start work on another. I'll re link incase any one else would like to give the site a visit.