Anyone headed to Nebraska?


New member
Just curious if anyone is headed to Nebraska to get an early start on the pheasant hunt in a couple of weeks? I have hunted north east Kansas for pheasants and it was pretty tough, how is south east Nebraska? How far do you have to travel north or north west until you get into decent numbers of birds in Nebraska?
If you can't tell, I am ready for the pheasant season to start!!!!:eek:

Just curious if anyone is headed to Nebraska to get an early start on the pheasant hunt in a couple of weeks? I have hunted north east Kansas for pheasants and it was pretty tough, how is south east Nebraska? How far do you have to travel north or north west until you get into decent numbers of birds in Nebraska?
If you can't tell, I am ready for the pheasant season to start!!!!:eek:


I've gone to SW NE a few times to get a jump on the KS opener. I've had mixed luck but it was usually worth the trip. At one time I found a NE map showing pheasant density. The highest densities were in the SW (not the panhandle) and the NE. I went to the NE once which was not as good as the SW at that time.
I will be headed to the sc/sw part of Nebraska. Hullbrook I believe is the name of the town. About straight north of Norton probably an hour into the state. Didnt go last year, but the year before saw a few birds in the area.
I hunt Nebraska as often as Kansas, over 30 years, I have killed far more pheasants in Nebraska, as opposed to Kansas. A lot fewer quail. I hunt from Pawnee City to Falls City, and south to the Kansas border, and across the Kansas border into NE Ks, every week. Last year best quail numbers in years till the blizzards hit, pheasants disappointing. After the snows came, and stayed, both NE Kansas and SE Nebraska pretty hammered down. I do not expect numbers to be anywhere near normal for a couple of years, and we need decent spring weather, and some warmer/drier May and June, weather. I also hunt farther west around Holdredge, Minden, Alma, Franklin, 12-15 days a year. I believe numbers will hold up better around there, maybe not historic, and I note that the Kansas reports KWP, seem to indicate poorer numbers for Phillips, Smith, and Jewell counties just below this area. I am going to take the girls to SE Nebraska this weekend for youth season, so we will see, and I'll report back.
Youth hunt in a word.... Difficult

We hunted 1/2 day Saturday, bagged 0 of 4 roosters. girls should have had 2. Missed several pointed quail from 1 big covey. Additionally saw 6 hens. Last year same area, saw and had more opportunities. This year just to darn hot! 80 degrees by shortly afternoon. This is all extreme southeast Nebraska. We all expected a drop in numbers, but really heavy , rank, cover as well, may mask true numbers of birds. Good for the soul anyway. If this weather goes as predicted for next weekend drink lots of electrolite and water, dogs and hunters, start early and often to avoid the cramps in tired old legs!