I agree OD, diversity is key. Being from MI, I do a lot more grouse and WC hunting than I do pheasant. I am equally (perhaps more so) sensitive to their needs as I am the pheasant.
I did contact my RGS chapter biologist and had a discussion with him. He agreed that eliminating this stand (largely due to it's location), would not have much of an effect on the WC migration.
He offered the option of misting the trees with gly in Aug. The trees are very sensitive to it and will die quickly and decay rather rapidly as well. Over the course of the next year or two, he believed the root system would be dead enough to get a disc through.
Again, thanks all for the thoughts. I haven't decided exactly how I'm going to proceed, but I'm feeling a lot better about my options.
I did contact my RGS chapter biologist and had a discussion with him. He agreed that eliminating this stand (largely due to it's location), would not have much of an effect on the WC migration.
He offered the option of misting the trees with gly in Aug. The trees are very sensitive to it and will die quickly and decay rather rapidly as well. Over the course of the next year or two, he believed the root system would be dead enough to get a disc through.
Again, thanks all for the thoughts. I haven't decided exactly how I'm going to proceed, but I'm feeling a lot better about my options.