animals are waiting in line

Thats right animals can't wait to hang out in my crp:thumbsup: I think it's raised a hundred snipe they're everywhere. Doves,ducks,partridge, baby deer and today when we where spraying weeds in it a momma pheasant with babies 6 pretty big babies. Boy was that nice to see:) Only bad thing was coons (ratcoon guys:D) got into a couple wood duck houses:mad: Not to worry though they're going to get it this fall:eek: Anyone else got a wildlife report to share? only thing I got to do yet is get the millet planted so the ducks will have something to eat while they're waiting for me to shoot them:D
Thats right animals can't wait to hang out in my crp:thumbsup: I think it's raised a hundred snipe they're everywhere. Doves,ducks,partridge, baby deer and today when we where spraying weeds in it a momma pheasant with babies 6 pretty big babies. Boy was that nice to see:) Only bad thing was coons (ratcoon guys:D) got into a couple wood duck houses:mad: Not to worry though they're going to get it this fall:eek: Anyone else got a wildlife report to share? only thing I got to do yet is get the millet planted so the ducks will have something to eat while they're waiting for me to shoot them:D


Good to hear, Sorry about the coons. You better trap them gang bangers before they wipe out the wood ducks.
Coot, get the dang coons, don't wait until Fall.
TURKEYS! I'm seeing hens with pheasant size chicks every day.
Three hens with at least 20 young ones yesterday.