I can't sleep, can't eat, can't concentrate at work, I can smell it, taste and feel it in the air. Hello everyone my name is Dave and I am a bird hunting addict. Am I alone?
It's going to be a long couple of days, but well worth the wait! I don't know if they have released birds yet, but my cousin been archery hunting by a SGL and has seen several birds.
Dave, have you decided where you will be camping and hunting?
I'll be in Adams county in the morning before I have to be home. I have a friend coming up on October 31 from Camp Lejeune and he's bringing somebody else from the base. We'll be hunting for two days but I'm not sure exactly where yet. We may try for grouse a little on Saturday.
I think the only birds released so far were for the youth hunt. The first preseason stockings will start Wednesday and end on Friday.
Good luck everybody!