Aid for teaching pup to heal

I have found a good aid for healing a pup, I read this in a hunt magazine, many a moon ago, a broken hockey stick is great, or a smooth round piece of wood, I use about 40", screw an I bolt in the cut off end, then attach a snap to it, this provides great leverage, and the ability to tap the pup on the head to get his attention, I like it much better then a leash and a choke chain. Hockey rinks are a great place to look for broken sticks, but mine was made out of a 2" doll I had from a closet remodel, super light but very firm when it comes to healing.....worth trying.
I think he is talking about a power bar. you can run a loop of cord through a piece of conduit. snap on one end and a loop on the other. you hold it across the waist loosely at the snap end and tap with the other hand on the far end.( not on the nose, you're positioning them.) I think i saw it in old retriever journal. Don't quote me but I think was Butch Goodwins? I tried it on my first chessie 20 some years ago. She was old school stubborn and a e collar ended up working better
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It is kind of like a power bar, but you don't use cord, 40 " piece of wood, like a broken hockey stick, you then screw a I bolt into one end, attach a bolt snap, this gives you great leverage. I have used them for over 20 years, you have great control of your pup. Before you laugh it off, I would try it, best healing training tool I have ever come across.
I'm not laughing it just didn't work for her. I use a short riding crop and touch(literally) them on the rump or chest. Every dog is different.
I understand that fully, I did not specifically mean you, the other post seemed to laugh it off, oh well, just putting something out there that a lot of dog owners can actually use, everybody's experience is different, I have a few things I have bought that just collect dust myself.
I understand that fully, I did not specifically mean you, the other post seemed to laugh it off, oh well, just putting something out there that a lot of dog owners can actually use, everybody's experience is different, I have a few things I have bought that just collect dust myself.

I'm sorry for making fun. I still don't understand do you clip the eye bolt to the dogs collar?
A pinch collar is all I've ever needed.

I was trying to turn a single sided adult dog into a two sided awhile back. In order to help him understand swinging to the right side I slipped his lead through a 1" pvc pipe about 2' long to steer him around.
You put a clasp like those on the end of a dog leash, that connects to collar. I do not do pictures otherwise I would send a pic of mine, unless you want to PM me your email
I just don't know why you would ever need such a contraption. A pinch collar and a short lead is all that is needed. I don't even use a healing stick anymore. Lots of treat training when they are a young puppy and they really understand it when basic obedience starts at around 5-6 months. At 6 months I have a happy wagging puppy who loves to heel around the yard and be next to my side. It's a team effort and no "Hockey Stick" or "Club" needed. Please remember that Butch Goodwin was an ex-NFL player and trained "Chessies"!!!!!!!
I have found it works better then a pinch collar for the pups I have owned, calling it a club, makes it sound like it is a weapon, idiotic. I rarely , rarely even slap my pups on the butt, I do my discipline with voice and perhaps a pinch on the ear. The bar does allow me to "tap" the pup as a reminder, I mean just that, "tap". I am sure there is more then one way to heel a dog, but to completely dismiss another is not to bright, it may not work for you, but may be the ticket for the next guy. One added bonus I like about mine, it actually can double as a walking stick when not in use.
I have found it works better then a pinch collar for the pups I have owned, calling it a club, makes it sound like it is a weapon, idiotic. I rarely , rarely even slap my pups on the butt, I do my discipline with voice and perhaps a pinch on the ear. The bar does allow me to "tap" the pup as a reminder, I mean just that, "tap". I am sure there is more then one way to heel a dog, but to completely dismiss another is not to bright, it may not work for you, but may be the ticket for the next guy. One added bonus I like about mine, it actually can double as a walking stick when not in use.
Next time I stop by a hockey rink I will see if I can pick up a stick and give it try! You never know what my work.