A few questions


New member
I was out at Banner Lakes SWA the other day hunting dove and two things I found. One you are not allow to clean your game in the field or in the parking lot. So, what is every one doing, letting there meat taint wail they keep hunting for hours? Also, I have yet to see anyOne in orange. I have been out Grouse, and Dove this year and no one in orange. This is my first year hunting in Colorado so I don't know if these are the norm?
Welcome to the forum. You don't need to wear orange for small game in Colorado although it is encouraged. Most SWAs are small and Colorado Parks and Wildlife requests that game isn't cleaned in the parking lot or the fields so that it's not a mess in the immediete vicinity. They just want to keep the place clean for the next person. Put the feathers and guts in a bag and toss it in the back of the truck or garbage.
Welcometo THE forum. Place is cool. As far as cleaning your birds do what winchester says and bring a bag with you. On the orange, dove hunting I can see why you would not wear any orange i even camo up to hide a bit, although a little isnt a bad idea. I have noticed in CO that upland hunters dont wear alot of orange compared to NE and KS, almost every hunter has some orange in those states. Not sure why that is, maybe i am not noticing or having selective noticing. Keep wearing your orange, I will keep wearing mine and maybe a saftey trend will start. :D
welcome....like was said, Colorado does not require hunter orange for small game. I have never wore it for dove hunting. I have been dove hunting since I was 10, grew up hunting dove in Texas. Air Force moved me here and now I am retired from active duty.

The cleaning birds is to avoid varmits, disease, rodents, etc from the parking area.

Good luck

thank you all for the responses. I did bring bags with me when I went to Jean Tool SWA today. Unfortunately because of the cold overcast conditions I only had a few flocks of Dove pass by. Would have been great if I were hunting Deer, Turkey, or Teal. All 3 were easy to find, but few Dove.
Since the recent drop in temps should I start looking south for Dove? I see a few spot between Hugo and Kit Carson that should be good.