2017 Pheasant Fest Sets New Attendance Record


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The show has come a long way since the first in 2003. It used to be every other year and now they are announcing next years location well over a year in advance.

Something for everyone but my likes are much different than the average attendees. My highlight was the National Pheasant Summit and then an off shoot of that was the 1:30 session where all 4 Biologist leads for IA, MN, NE and SD presented to a handful of attendees including me in a room that seats 200-300. Shows you that habitat is a boring topic in general.

Guns and dogs and gear, now that is where the sweet spot is. Hank Shaw on the cooking stage is awesome too.

I dont know where to leave feedback for the show, but I always wish they would bring a lot of PF Marketplace/store stuff. Its always next to nothing
I dont know where to leave feedback for the show, but I always wish they would bring a lot of PF Marketplace/store stuff. Its always next to nothing

I've herd this b4 ??? Think they sell out that fast or is PF ,& QF not on the ball & loosing biz due to no gear on hand??? They should have most stuff like stuff in the magazine on hand ??? Seem simple???