over all due to CRP/habitat loss numbers will be down some but 48% god i hope not!!! if the habitat was the same as last year with no loss of CRP or pheasant habitat i think we would see a 20%-25%+ increase its the habitat loss & CRP not being re enrolled that will bring the numbers down not that we lost pheasants due to long winter & winter kill or late spring & no brood reproduction wear there i habitat im sure there will be pheasants again this season???
like FCSpringer says we have huge cattail/willow sloughs close to crops that makes great winter cover for pheasants & that helps pull them through our winters not so much the case across most of the SD pheasant range hints the major losses they have in pheasant numbers during droughts & or harsh or semi harsh winters no cover means no pheasants...
we will find out more on monday boys my fingers are crossed FCSpringer raised my spirits with his western MN report cant wait till the pheasant season starts up!!! 1st sharptails & ruffed grouse next wk-end!!!