20 minute hunt

All me my brother and browndog did was walk around my crp. Browndog was awesome :10sign: And bang bang bang 3 young roosters:thumbsup: Seen lots of pheasant in the middle. Hunt them on thanksgiving:)
Atta boy Captaincoot!

I was beginning to wonder if you were still with us. Nothing better than a Thanksgiving bird.:) Glad to hear you got into some. Leave a few for me!:p
Good job, Cootie!
I got to space my hunts out browndogs getting old, and I won't get a new dog untils he's gone. So it's 4-5 hunts a year right now. Hey browndogs always gave me 100% so it's a small price to pay not to show him hes been replaced:)
very nice!:thumbsup: I thought i was doing good limiting out in 2.5 hours!
Great job on the hunt. My personal thoughts on my veteran lab bell (now 13) ,was to let my young dog learn the ropes from her. :cheers:
All I've heard from you for the last two years is doom and gloom for bird hunting in Iowa...then you write a post like this! Are things looking better?