1st Run at Pheasant Camp


Well-known member
Inspired by Steelbull, I decided to head to Camp and give Dugan his first real simulated hunt of the season. We weren't disappointed. We managed to flush three grouse in a short matter of time. I was really happy to see Dugan do well, this is his eleventh season so I only work him a fraction of what I did in the past.
Also saw a ton of deer sign and a lot of my Chestnut trees are loaded with burrs. You can tell the change in the seasons has started!
We've been seeing a good number of grouse also. Glad that Dugan is getting after it again.
I agree, you can tell fall is coming!
Glad I could provide some inspiration! Im glad you had better luck than me and were able to get on some birds with Dugan. I bet he is glad fall is almost back too. I was in the field at 9am and it was only 65 degrees. Definitely felt like a nice fall day. It's just around the corner!

Any sign of Ringnecks around your camp?


We are very lucky that the farmer adjacent to our property raises and releases pheasants and being that we manage our land to contain some of the thickest cover around some always manage to end up here. Plus the farmer knows how we enjoy the birds and at the end of the season releases some on our property. As you know the State has really increased the amount of birds released in this County, and that has resulted in ample opportunities to hunt pheasants.
To answer your question, I didn't see any pheasants this last time at camp, but we weren't looking for them either, we stayed pretty much in the grouse woods this time.
We did take a look at some of our pheasant hunting spots in the area before our drive home and the habitat looked great! :thumbsup: