16 Gauge Afficianados - Quality Ammo and $7.99 Flat Rate Shipping On Any Quantity

LC---The Boss 16 ga. shells are effective; I used them on roosters, mallards and wood ducks last year. They are costly but I don't have to worry about where I do and don't need non toxic, and like any other ammo, it's not so much about hitting them hard--but hitting them! The manufacturer is located only 35 miles from me.....
LC---The Boss 16 ga. shells are effective; I used them on roosters, mallards and wood ducks last year. They are costly but I don't have to worry about where I do and don't need non toxic, and like any other ammo, it's not so much about hitting them hard--but hitting them! The manufacturer is located only 35 miles from me.....
Wolf… I grew up in GR. It’s great to see them being successful in the western part of the state.
Has anyone shot a measurable number of Boss #5 to compare? I am half tempted to spend a bit more for the Boss to make sure I am good for those nontoxic required times. I know Golden Hour seems to really like them in 12ga.
In my mind, the comparison between lead & bismuth may be apples to apples, but it's like a nice, crisp, sweet one to a bruised, somewhat rotten one. Lead is superior. It just happens to be toxic & outlawed in many of our hunting situations. I've shot a ton of Kent bismuth 5's, & they're very effective out to 40-42 yds. I switched to Boss last season because they do 4's in 16 gauge. The 4's are still great up close and do much better than 5's in the 40-50 yd range. I just wish there was another 1/8 oz of them.
Just got the 3 boxes from Scheel's of Federal Upland 16 gauge--copper coated lead, 1425 fps., 1 1/8 oz. Happy to get them because I can use these where lead is allowed, and save the BOSS shells for places where no-toxic is required.