11-11-2013 Hunt - Was BRUTAL today!


New member
So cold and windy today! That, coupled with the 8 foot tall blue stem and cattails walked, made for a pretty tough day.

We saw birds, managed to bag two (both early hatch first year birds), but it was really difficult to get up on them in the wind. Only a couple hens and one rooster managed to sit while Gunner was on point. The rest flushed wild as the wind had them on edge.

We saw pretty good numbers, considering we hunted one field, for about two hours. 10+ roosters (one group of 4) and equal number of hens. Some definite second year birds in the bunch.

Oh ya . . . that pointed rooster . . . I whiffed on him. My first miss of the year. He got up about 15-20 yards ahead, so he ran a bit, but it was a very makeable shot. I drew only tail feathers, knowing I was behind him as he caught the wind and hit mach 3. Wasn't meant to be.

Good thing my buddy shot well. He carried the load today, dropping the two bagged, both on wild flush but within (long) range.

I'm next hoping to get out Thursday afternoon . . . and only if the wind isn't as bad as today.

BTW . . . I recently heard why Iowa is so windy. It's because Nebraska blows and Illinois sucks. :cheers:
and its gonna be back up into the 50's this weekend and dry as a bone. im half tempted to play hookie from work tomorow. we have a dusting of snow right now and some nice cold temps. oh well i have the whole week of thanksgiving off. we will be hard core bird chasers that week!!!!!!
:cheSo cold and windy today! That, coupled with the 8 foot tall blue stem and cattails walked, made for a pretty tough day.

We saw birds, managed to bag two (both early hatch first year birds), but it was really difficult to get up on them in the wind. Only a couple hens and one rooster managed to sit while Gunner was on point. The rest flushed wild as the wind had them on edge.

We saw pretty good numbers, considering we hunted one field, for about two hours. 10+ roosters (one group of 4) and equal number of hens. Some definite second year birds in the bunch.

Oh ya . . . that pointed rooster . . . I whiffed on him. My first miss of the year. He got up about 15-20 yards ahead, so he ran a bit, but it was a very makeable shot. I drew only tail feathers, knowing I was behind him as he caught the wind and hit mach 3. Wasn't meant to be.

Good thing my buddy shot well. He carried the load today, dropping the two bagged, both on wild flush but within (long) range.

I'm next hoping to get out Thursday afternoon . . . and only if the wind isn't as bad as today.

BTW . . . I recently heard why Iowa is so windy. It's because Nebraska blows and Illinois sucks. :cheers:[/QUOTE]

I sure hate to see a guy, admit to missing a pointed bird. makes me nervous, I always believe the bird rises majestically, planted firmly on the ground, and recovered to hand by the dog. I can not envision this any other way. I might have seen it before, maybe last trip, but I don't remember it! Remember the 24 hour rule in football, after midnight, winning or losing is meaningless, only the next "game". By the way, don't make eye contact with the dog! I hate the disappointment and shame . :cheers:
I sure hate to see a guy, admit to missing a pointed bird. makes me nervous, I always believe the bird rises majestically, planted firmly on the ground, and recovered to hand by the dog. I can not envision this any other way. I might have seen it before, maybe last trip, but I don't remember it! Remember the 24 hour rule in football, after midnight, winning or losing is meaningless, only the next "game". By the way, don't make eye contact with the dog! I hate the disappointment and shame . :cheers:

Yes ... Gunner did seem to give me a bit of the "what, are you kidding me?!" look!